Answer Question
Pscad to MATLAB Error
Hi, I am connecting pscad to matlab using a simple block from a tutorial downloaded from this forum.
but when running this error is shown: “1 project(s) was unsuccessful when building” Error Message
i checked the simulation and every thing is fine. I also run the Authors simulated model for the tutorial but it also gives the same error.
In pscad error troubleshooting is written that a software named "Cygwin" is installed in my system while there is not any apps with this name on my PC.
Here is the screenshot. Can you please help me solving this error?
I use a 64 bit windows 10, Pscad 2016 , Intel fortran compiler with a 32 version of Matlab 2014.

but when running this error is shown: “1 project(s) was unsuccessful when building” Error Message
i checked the simulation and every thing is fine. I also run the Authors simulated model for the tutorial but it also gives the same error.
In pscad error troubleshooting is written that a software named "Cygwin" is installed in my system while there is not any apps with this name on my PC.
Here is the screenshot. Can you please help me solving this error?
I use a 64 bit windows 10, Pscad 2016 , Intel fortran compiler with a 32 version of Matlab 2014.