Staff Answer

May 07, 2014 - 11:33 AM
This issue is applicable only to v4.5.1, and may be resolved as follows:
a. Download “” from the following link to download the Fortran Medic utility:
b. In the downloaded folder, open “GetInfo32.exe”.
c. Select “Start” from the Actions menu. When prompted whether to test shortcuts, select “No”. The Get Info utility will display information about your system.
d. In the Fortran Medic, scroll down to “PSCAD X4 Release (4.5.1…)”, find the following path and error message:
Workspace file: C:\...\user_profile.xml
File exists but appears to be empty
e. Right-click on "File exists...", and select the option to delete it.
f. Log out of your machine, log back in again.
g. Launch PSCAD. The error should be resolved, and PSCAD should launch.
The other option is to contact our Sales Desk and request a software update (
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