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Hi All,
I am fairly new in PSCAD with a background on real-time simulation so a few things do not work exactly how i am used to.
I am trying to simulate different events by using the "Three phase votlage source Model1".Namely:
1. Positive/Negative Frequency ramps and return to nominal
2. Positive/Negative Frequency steps and return to nominal
3. Phase jumps and return to nominal
My questions are:
1. Is there a way to implement ramps without using the simulation time block?
2. Is there a block i can use in conjuction with a "rotary switch" so i can cycle through pre-modeled event loops?
3. Is there a more efficient way i should be going about it?
Thank you in advance,
controllable voltage source, network events, grid events, frequency ramp, phase jump
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OK i found the answer at least to my 3rd question. By using "add to layer" I can set-up all the event loops on different layers.
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