Voted Best Answer
Feb 14, 2023 - 06:52 AM
By on 2/15/2023 4:12:36 AM | Like (0) | Report
Dear Berwin, Thank you for your reply. Community help is great for new comers like me.
Yes, I agree to your statement but when i try to mathematically calculate SCR value of type4 wind turbine, I am failing every time to match the exact answer of SCR 10 which is mentioned in Type4 Wind Turbine Pdf file in Engineering Application section.
Being my senior, please guide me with values of MVA at POI.
Thanks Berwin
By on 2/15/2023 6:20:39 AM | Like (0) | Report
You can also help me with initial formula and values for exact SCR 10 value. I'm creating a study purpose project but stuck at this point from last 1 week.
Thanks in advance
By on 2/15/2023 6:28:46 AM | Like (0) | Report
Say if the wind farm rating is 200MW and if it need to have SCR ratio of 10, then fault level MVA of 2000MVA should be considered and this can be respresented as impedance in the source to which the wind farm is connected.(It is represented as voltage source with impedance in the snapshot you provided)
In other words, based on the fault level of the connected source and the rating of wind farm, you can calculate the SCR ratio to which the plant is connected.
By on 2/15/2023 6:29:24 AM | Like (0) | Report
I hope it helps
By on 2/15/2023 6:46:06 AM | Like (0) | Report
Please check new answer. thanks
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