
Feb 09, 2022 - 08:11 PM
I think for this particular case you have to enable the "eliminate ground wire conductor" from the Transmission Tower model

Feb 10, 2022 - 09:13 AM
Thanks! Indeed, in the Transmission Tower model, I found out that I have enabled the option of ‘’Ground wire elimination’’. That was actually incorrect because I want to have the earth wires considered in my model. So, the previous performance is outdated. So, then I disabled this option to have the earth wires taken into account.
However, before this change, my model was able to run and show some plots (the ''A very small diagonal was encountered during the triangularization of the circuit conductance matrix. The simulation results can be incorrect due to numerically ill-conditioned matrices'' error appeared at the end of the simulation running). But now after disabling the earth wire elimination option the model is not even able to start the simulation. The new error is ‘’Unable to solve the line constants for 'NIJ_LGK'. CHECK THE ASSOCIATED LOG FILE 'NIJ_LGK.log' FOR DETAILS ON THE FAILURE.’’. Why when enabling the earth wires the model cannot run?
I tried to see if I could run one of the simple AC transmission line examples from PSCAD themselves, which also have the ‘’Ground wire elimination’’ option enabled, by disabling this option and so enabling the ground wires effect. Buf I do that, the example also fails to run (''simpleac'' model from the tutorial folder).
However, before this change, my model was able to run and show some plots (the ''A very small diagonal was encountered during the triangularization of the circuit conductance matrix. The simulation results can be incorrect due to numerically ill-conditioned matrices'' error appeared at the end of the simulation running). But now after disabling the earth wire elimination option the model is not even able to start the simulation. The new error is ‘’Unable to solve the line constants for 'NIJ_LGK'. CHECK THE ASSOCIATED LOG FILE 'NIJ_LGK.log' FOR DETAILS ON THE FAILURE.’’. Why when enabling the earth wires the model cannot run?
I tried to see if I could run one of the simple AC transmission line examples from PSCAD themselves, which also have the ‘’Ground wire elimination’’ option enabled, by disabling this option and so enabling the ground wires effect. Buf I do that, the example also fails to run (''simpleac'' model from the tutorial folder).
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