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I am currently building a microgrid in PSCAD v4.5.1. This is for an undergraduate research project; studying stability and power quality in islanded microgrids.
The microgrid has two renewable power sources, a 160kW solar array, and a 25kW wind turbine. These connect to an AC bus of 0.6kV.
The microgrid is utility grid-connected, and can be islanded. I am looking to simulate when both grid-connected and in islanded mode.
I want to include a BESS, for stability and varying load demands. However, this version of PSCAD has no battery in the library. Upgrading to later versions of PSCAD is not possible.
I want to simulate a BESS as simply as possible, both charging and discharging. I am looking at using either an ideal source to model it, or building a simple battery with some controllers. How do I go about performing one or both of these? Which is recommended?
BESS, battery, Microgrid, renewables, pscad 4.5
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