
May 06, 2021 - 09:59 PM
Prism is an importer software You convert a PSS/E file (or a Digsilent file) into a .pscx file. You can not simulate the file without PSCAD software.
Here is more information.
The ability to simulate large scale power systems using PSCAD™ has created a demand to bring third party networks into PSCAD. We developed PRSIM™ (Power System Importer) as a simple, easy-to-use tool for converting standard network data to PSCAD with minimal time and effort.
Flexibility Through Customization
Relying heavily on PSCAD’s philosophy of open architecture, the PRSIM interface gives advanced users the flexibility to design their own custom libraries of models that fit their needs. A comprehensive library of scripting models is included with PSCAD’s master libraries for V4.6 and V5.
Convert Network Data to PSCAD in three steps:
Step 1: Import power system data from standard network formats.
Provided it was in the original data, the PowerFactory XML format will contain corresponding sequence, dynamics and location data.
Step 2: Expand part or all of your network into one or more single-line diagrams (SLD).
Very large networks can be partially expanded and PRSIM will create an equivalent component for the unexpanded part of the network.
Step 3: Convert your PRSIM project to PSCAD (V5 or V4.6).
Features and benefits:
- Convert PSS/E and PowerFactory data files to PSCAD V5.0 and V4.6
- Import detailed dynamic data
- Import sequence data
- Import location data for automatic schematic expansion
- Form network equivalents for unexpanded segments of the network
- Create a module from a selection of buses and branches;
- Data conversion scripts are stored in the PRSIM.pslx libraries (V5.0 and V4.6)
- Create new scripts for custom library models
- Re-initialize previously generated PSCAD projects
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