Aug 29, 2020 - 06:15 AM
Are we sure that the writer meant interface time? It might be the 1.08 deg means the interface circuit (impedance voltage drop).
The above figure is extracted from Cookbook Chapter 10 example. It states that, to achieve zero (negligible) current in the synchronous machine (SM) in steady-state, the voltage magnitude should be 13.8 kV, and angle should be -31.08 deg (to account for phase shift by the transformer and interface, Dt = 50 us). I understand the 30 deg phase shift of the delta-star winding. However, what is an interface time? How does an interface time affect phase shift?
Your advice is much appreciated. Thank you.
synchronous machine, open-circuit, phase shift
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Aug 29, 2020 - 06:15 AM
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