Can launch PSCAD 4.6.0 with Python but not PSCAD 4.6.3
Hey guys,
As indicated by the thread, I have two versions of PSCAD installed, respectively 4.6.0 and 4.6.3. For some reason, I can launch version 4.6.0 using the Python automation library, but not version 4.6.3. I am simply using the standard commands below;
pscad = mhrc.automation.launch_pscad(pscad_version='PSCAD 4.6.0 (x64)') # Working
pscad = mhrc.automation.launch_pscad(pscad_version='PSCAD 4.6.3 (x64)') # NOT Working
If I try the second command to launch version 4.6.3, I get the following error;
'PSCAD 4.6.3 (x64)' not found in pscad parameter list
I've tried re-installing the automation library, but obviously it said that it was already already installed. The library is version 1.2.4.
Any help is appreciated!
Cheers, Frederik
Open Jul 09, 2020 - 01:03 AM
Python, Automation Library, launch
Aug 19, 2020 - 11:37 PM
There is a change in the syntax. I have provided the needed codes in one of the threads.
Jul 06, 2023 - 07:16 AM
Good morning friends! Could you tell me how to use the hide function in PSCAD 4.6.3? I thank you for your attention!
Jul 06, 2023 - 07:16 AM
Could you tell me how to use the hide function in PSCAD 4.6.3? I thank you for your attention!
Source: PSCAD 4.6.3
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