Voted Best Answer

Apr 08, 2020 - 08:28 AM
I am not aware of a 5 windings transformer model in PSCAD. I would model it with an approximation as two 3-winding transformers in parallel.
Best regards,
Dear Dr. Tamer,
Please, I need your help in my simulation
I have Traction Transformer (High Speed Railway) Data (RAR file in the attachment) and I need to simulate it in my thesis
I couldn’t find this type of transformer with 4-secondary winding in the PSCAD or because I’m still beginner in this software
My system is very simple and only focus on power quality issues (like harmonics and transient) caused by railway(see below for railway locomotive)
I can show you similar project that I have found it in IEEE (China model of Railway Locomotive), please see below
Thanks and your assistance is really appreciated
#Railway #Traction #Transforme
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Apr 08, 2020 - 08:28 AM
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