Model of Grid-Forming Inverter to aid research in grid systems with high renewables penetration
Hi all,
I am an undergraduate student with a final year project to assess alternatives to system strength remediation options in the eastern Australian grid. We have identified grid-forming inverters may be able to contribute system strength and would like to simulate this in PSCAD in our research. However, I have no prior experience using PSCAD.
I am looking for a PSCAD model of a grid-forming inverter that I can use as a reference. Does anyone know if any are available, or where to start looking?
Alternatively I believe I can start with a 3-phase inverter model, then try to apply a grid-forming inverter control system to it. Is there a reference inverter model I could use?
Thank you very much for your help.
Stressed undergrad.
Open Apr 05, 2020 - 03:55 PM
grid-forming, inverter, system strength, renewable
Nov 01, 2020 - 05:54 PM
see attached.
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