AC8B AVR Parameter (field limiter loop reference (VLV))
Dear Sir/Madam
I am writing this message in respect of the parameter in AC8B exciter model.
I am currently modelling a Synchronous condenser in PSCAD. According to the datasheet provided by the suppliers, I need to use the AC8B exciter model. However, I noticed that a parameter in AC8B AVR named field limiter loop reference (VLV) is not fully aligned with AC8B model addressed in "IEEE Recommended Practice for Excitation System Models for Power System Stability Studies"
In addition, I played around with this parameter and it was noted that it plays an important role in field voltage.
Therefore, could you please provide me with some explanation on field limiter loop reference (What's this for? What are the purpose to include such parameter?)
Thank you and I am looking forward to hearing from you
Best regards
Open Mar 25, 2020 - 06:31 AM
Mar 27, 2020 - 06:15 PM
VLV is the field voltage used in the minimum field voltage limiter loop.
Normally VEmin is zero. If FEX is positive then VEmin is VLV/FEX.
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How is your AC8B now? For some reason, when I change voltage reference of AC8B, the terminal voltage of the gen is not changed at all.
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