
Mar 02, 2020 - 03:00 PM
I did not see any answers to this question so I will try to help.
Check this:
Check this:

Mar 02, 2020 - 03:00 PM
You can also check this paper

Dec 01, 2021 - 08:48 AM
I recognize that this is an issue. Several studies I have seen have not done the simulation correctly.
PSCAD does this nicely but requires the proper setup. The standard transformer model assumes that there is no saturation but this gives essentially no calculated inrush. It is easily changed in the transformer setup. Also, the standard transformer configuration assumes there is no residual flux. This is unrealistic and again gives lower than real results by about 2 to 1. Using 0.8,, 0, -0.8 on the different phases is much more realistic to simulate this condition.
PSCAD is very easy to use once you take these steps into account. Dr. Mellik has listed a link at researchgate that gives a very effective solution.
I hope this helps.
Joe Rostron
PSCAD does this nicely but requires the proper setup. The standard transformer model assumes that there is no saturation but this gives essentially no calculated inrush. It is easily changed in the transformer setup. Also, the standard transformer configuration assumes there is no residual flux. This is unrealistic and again gives lower than real results by about 2 to 1. Using 0.8,, 0, -0.8 on the different phases is much more realistic to simulate this condition.
PSCAD is very easy to use once you take these steps into account. Dr. Mellik has listed a link at researchgate that gives a very effective solution.
I hope this helps.
Joe Rostron
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