HVDC systems and some books related to it
Hello Everybody! I've a scholastic task and I need some books, tutorials, slides or something like this, because I need to answer to some questions.
1) Show all active and reactive flows in an equivalent circuit of a HVDC transmission system.
2) Give a proof for the statement: "Active power flow is determined only by the fundamental component (first harmonic) of the line current if the grid voltage has sinusoidal waveshape"
3) Give formulas and definitions of apparent, reactive and active power on the basis of an equivalent circuit of a HVDC transmissio system.
4) Reactive power consumption consists of 2 components. Define them, give formulas and try to make it visible by appropriate graphs.
I'm not asking you to give me the answers, but it'll be perfect to me to know on which books I can see, because I can't find anything!!!
Thank you for you answer and sorry for the trouble
Open Jan 23, 2019 - 04:41 AM
HVDC, power, Reactive, Harmonic, Flows
Jan 23, 2019 - 06:54 AM
Hi there,
I strongly recommend you to read
1-Voltage-Sourced Converters in Power Systems: Modeling, Control, and Applications
2-voltage source converter: modulation, control and applications in power systems
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