Staff Answer

Jan 22, 2019 - 06:07 AM
The Xoreax Grid engine is a thrid party tool that is used to manage the distribution of individual PSCAD simulations across computers on your network. We no longer support it but older versions of PSCAD still do. It was a useful when you are performing a parameteric "Data Parallel" type study that required many runs of the same project and you have many computers at your disposal.
Modern workstations that come with many cores have made this feature somewhat obsolete
George Wai
PSCAD Support
The Xoreax Grid engine is a thrid party tool that is used to manage the distribution of individual PSCAD simulations across computers on your network. We no longer support it but older versions of PSCAD still do. It was a useful when you are performing a parameteric "Data Parallel" type study that required many runs of the same project and you have many computers at your disposal.
Modern workstations that come with many cores have made this feature somewhat obsolete
George Wai
PSCAD Support
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