Using a polymeter to display harmonics 1-63 and am not able to extract data to spread sheer. Tried an overlay char
I am doing a harmonic analysis for an offshore ind farm with type 4 turbines. The turbines produce higher order harmonics beyond 31 so am using the 63 harmonic option. I am able to display all 63 orders with a polymeter, but unable to extract data from the display to an Excel spreadsheet.
I tried to use an overlay chart which seemed to work but only captured harmonic levels through 32nd order. This leads me to believe that an overlay chart is limited to 32 channels. Is there any way to capture all 63 harmonic orders?
Please consider "copy to clipboard" capability for polycharts in a future update.
Alan Courts
Open Nov 28, 2018 - 12:29 PM
Harmonic, data, excel
Nov 28, 2018 - 07:39 PM
Answering my own question. Found I could use the Dynamic Data Tap to split the 63 harmonic outputs from the FFT/Harmonic Distortion modules into two subarrays that would fit the 32 channel limit of the Overlay Graph. Then the harmonic data can be extracted in two batches from the two graphs and pasted into an Excel spreadsheet. Voila!
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