What kind of relationship is there between signal generator block frequency and solution time step?
I designed the boost converter and used signal generator and comparator to get the signal for igbt. The frequency of the system is 25 kHz. When I set the solution time step as 50 us or 40, signal generator gives nothing. Signal that goes to comparator is 1 but in the output channel there is no frequency or any shape of signal. But when i set the solution step as 5us or 10, then I get the frequency shape that cycle between 0 and 1.
I dont understand why solution time step affects the signal generator block. How can I find the proper value of solution time step ? it also affects the output voltage of the converter.
Open Oct 29, 2018 - 01:17 AM
frequency, signal generator block, solution time step, Converter, boost converter, voltage, channel plot step, duration of run
May 04, 2021 - 07:36 AM
Hello. Your system frequency is 25KHz so you should select a solution time step that suits this frequency so it should be lower than required for 25KHz.That's why if you select 50us it's not working and when you select a lower value like 10us it's working.It should also work on any value less than 40us.Like 20 or 30 us .Thanks
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