How to give a step input?
Hello All,
I am currently working with a Modular Multilevel Converter and PV Panel. I am using the inbuilt PV Panel provided by PSCAD and in order to mimic Partial Shading, I need to give an Irradiance of 1000 W/m^2 for 0.5 seconds and after than I need to change the Irradiance to 200 W/m^2. In MATLAB/ SIMULINK, there is a step input block that does this. However, I am not able to find a way to implement this in PSCAD. It would help me a lot if someone could assist me with this.
Thank you for your time.
Best regards
Open Jul 25, 2018 - 10:08 PM
step, step input, MMC, Modular Multilevel Converters, Partial Shading, PV model, PV array, Irradiance
Jul 25, 2018 - 10:14 PM
Hi there
See the picture.
Jul 25, 2018 - 11:09 PM
Hi there
See the attachments.
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