
May 24, 2018 - 09:56 PM
Is it a question?
If you are facing this error, path of your simulation file may contain some non english characters. Just rename any folders with non english characters and you will be good to go.
For example,
1- C:\Users\Public\Documents\PSCAD4.5\examples\HVDCCigre (A pscad file placed in this will cork correctly)
2- C:\Users\Public\Documents\PSCAD4.5\만수르\HVDCCigre (A pscad file placed in this wont work)
If you are facing this error, path of your simulation file may contain some non english characters. Just rename any folders with non english characters and you will be good to go.
For example,
1- C:\Users\Public\Documents\PSCAD4.5\examples\HVDCCigre (A pscad file placed in this will cork correctly)
2- C:\Users\Public\Documents\PSCAD4.5\만수르\HVDCCigre (A pscad file placed in this wont work)
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