Mar 21, 2018 - 04:28 AM
dear minhquan.hcmut its very simple, just change the file name.
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Hi there,
It is hard to figure out your problem without your model. If you attached your model to this question might help anyone who wants to try help you.
Dear Mr. Hasan,
Thank you for your help
But this file is confidential with my project, so I cannot upload.
Can you give me some ideals when you saw this problem?
- I use 4.5 version, this make error.
- I try with 4.6.2 free version, this not make error.
One more time, thank you so much.
sometimes the problem comes from transmitting signal, or transformer, or ground point connection, or subsystem.
But I think that you have a custom made function that has FORTRAN code.
Lastly, Do nooooooooooooooot send me your model, I do not have free time even if you upload it.
I understood,
So thank you.
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