How to model mutually coupled transmission line and cables in PSCAD?
I am using the following approach.
1- Model Transmission Line Segment
2- Model Cable Segment
3-Turn on Mutual Coupling in both segments and use same tag name.
4- I have to set both segments as reference (The simulation shows an error otherwise)
No coupling effects are seen.
Note: I have tried mutual coupling using both Overhead line segments. It works fine.
A quick answer will be appreciated
Open Mar 08, 2018 - 12:29 AM
Transmission system
Voted Best Answer
Mar 08, 2018 - 03:14 PM
dear mansoor_hvdcel, send me the simulated file. or could you tell me the error.
Mar 09, 2018 - 12:41 AM
After messing around for a while, i found the work around.
In such cases, overhead line have to be modeled within the cable segment using 'aerial bare conductors'.
Cables are modeled using underground cables as usual.
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