Tower footing impedance of Overhead line?
1-Is there any general value of footing resistance that will be accounted in this case
Footing resistance will depend on soil resistivity?
2-The OHGW grounding resistance will consider, the tower structure impedance?
Open Mar 05, 2018 - 11:02 PM
Transmission line
Mar 07, 2018 - 05:56 PM
In PSCAD transmission line model, we are not able to define tower footing resistance in 'transmission line segment' component. So, my question is in regards to PSCAD only.
- in lightning studies, we can model a tower and its footing resistance, which is outside the 'transmission line segment' component. Howevevr, this can be done only for few tower spans.
-for long lines, if we do not eliminate OHGW, will it experience some grounding at every tower span i.e. 350 m. What will be the value of that grounding resistance?
Mar 08, 2018 - 03:57 PM
Dear Chanda_EE,
You can use any transmission segment component in PSCAD.
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