Feb 06, 2018 - 12:50 PM
You must connect a voltage source at point X, then the voltage value should be X. In fact, According to your model, the simulation does not work properly
As you can see the pulse voltage must be applied to the point "x".(discrete time-voltage points measured at lab),
CAn you please help me with the second part of my question:
"Secondly, I have to apply the output of the block which you recommended as the source of my circuit, now:
1. should I connect the point "x" directly to my circuit?
2. If so, the circuit doesn't recognize the signal as a voltage signal, then what's to do? how can I give a physical meaning to the signal so that it can be measured directly by a Voltmeter?
Finally, when I am importing a two column data in which the first column contains the sampling times then what would be the function of the "time signal variable" block you used in your recommendation?" ...
The webpage hasn't accepted my PSCAD file as an attachment, but in case of necessity I can send it to you by email.
Thank you,
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