Which swing equation does the PSCAD synchronous machine model use?
Different simulation softwares are using slightly different versions of the swing equation. Working with the PSCAD sychronous machine model for sometime now, my guess is that it uses the full swing equation with per unit frequency (not the frequency deviation, like some other simulation softwares(e.g.,PSSE)).
But so far I could not find clear documentation to verify this. Could someone give a definitive answer this question or point out a solid reference to verify this?
Open Jun 27, 2017 - 06:16 PM
swing equation, synchronous machine, model, Modelling in PSCAD
Jun 28, 2017 - 09:07 PM
Hi there
Please see this paper "Comprehensive assessment of virtual synchronous machine based voltage source converter controllers". It will guide you about swing equation.
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