error running PSCAD free
Just downloaded PSCAD free to my Windows 10 Surface. When I try to run the PSCAD software from the MyUpdater application I get the following errors. "This build must be started from a valid client software to execute. Please restart using the client tool provided by the installer." followed by "The Updater.exe was unable to launch the specified product due to one or more errors. Please refer to to the message tab to see further details (red), and possible remedies (blue."
There were no blue highlights but the red highlights were "Process terminated with error 0000000A InitInstance() failed or the environment is incorrect." How can I resolve?
Open Nov 07, 2016 - 02:39 AM
Staff Answer
Dec 08, 2016 - 02:30 AM
Dear Customer,
Thank you for bringing this error to our attention.
If you are still experiencing this issue, we would certainly like to assist you. Can you please send in an e-mail to our Support Desk ( with this question.
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It is depends on your system electrical point. If your system excessed the limits of 20 electrical points, it will not run.
If you want me to check your system in my licensed version, kindly share the model, and I will see.
I can't open it to even get a model started. The issue is with just opening PSCAD
Delete it and reinstall it agine
I'll try thanks. I thought I might need to do that but haven't gotten to it yet.
I'm having the same problem. Could you solve it?
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