Staff Answer

Jul 28, 2016 - 07:46 AM
If I underestand your question properly, it sounds like you have made a component that has some equation in the script section. If this is the case, then I would suggest to 'Copy Transfer' and 'Paste Transfer' this component into either A) a library, and then load that library with any project in which you want to use it, or B) directly paste transfer the component into any project in which you want to use the component.
If however you just made an equation using standard functions of the CSMF section of the Master Library, then you can create a subsystem (essentially another page - it acts like a component), and do the same as explained above. To make the subsystem use the Component Wizard and select to make a module. Once that is made, simply copy and paste your components into that page.
Let us know if this helped.
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