
Jan 08, 2017 - 08:59 PM
1. Your source ramp-up time is set to 0s. This isn't the problem in this case, but it will cause you problems sometime.
2. The Volt Index for P and Q in your Fixed Loads have been set to 0. This leads to a discontinuity at 10 cycles. Again, not the problem in this case, but something to be avoided if possible.
3. Not sure if the size of your inductor was chosen correctly, see reference.
The actual problem is that Petersen coils are to be used on ungrounded systems. The Fixed Loads are providing a path to ground. If you replace the Fixed Loads with Delta connected Rs and Ls, or if you insert a nearly ideal Delta-Y transformer between the line and the loads the coil will work as intended.
Hope this helps.
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