Nov 11, 2015 - 07:02 AM
I think pole pairs are calculated based on entered inputs of angular speed and electrical frequency. Hope this can solve your problem.
I think pole pairs are calculated based on entered inputs of angular speed and electrical frequency. Hope this can solve your problem.
Oct 12, 2021 - 11:55 AM
The same confusion have happened with me for the case of induction machine in PSCAD and it is solved like this.
Machine model is using base torque as Tbase = Sb/wb where, wb in electrical rad/sec. The model need not require pole pairs data. However to recalculate actual torque from per unit torque (Tpu) which is obtained from the model it need to multiply with pole pairs that means Tactual = Tpu*(Sb*pole pair/wb). Same thing you can use in case of PMSG.
I hope it is answered.
Thank you.
Machine model is using base torque as Tbase = Sb/wb where, wb in electrical rad/sec. The model need not require pole pairs data. However to recalculate actual torque from per unit torque (Tpu) which is obtained from the model it need to multiply with pole pairs that means Tactual = Tpu*(Sb*pole pair/wb). Same thing you can use in case of PMSG.
I hope it is answered.
Thank you.
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