Induction Generator Active Reactive power outputs
Hei guys
I am simulating a wind turbine using induction generator.
When i simulate the examples of the pscad, output plot of icduction generator P is zero and Q is positive.
And when i look at output variable parameter definetions
i see Real power (+=in) and Reactive power (+=in)
What does (+=in) means ??
Does it mean posive plot results means machive is consuming ? and negative is machine is producing ?
İ get confuse. Please give me some explanation. Thak you
Open May 21, 2015 - 04:52 PM
induction machine
May 28, 2015 - 11:41 PM
Dear +=in is the power flow from network to machine, so when machine generate active or reactive power, you see this power in negetive area of output plot.
Best regards,
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