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I am modelling a Single machine connected to an infinite bus in PSCAD.
I am using the synchronous machine model with hydro turbine 1 and hydro governor 1.
I need to set the synchronous machine with terminal voltage angle to 25 degree and the corresponding mechanical power input to 0.78699 p.u.
I have set the turbine output power at rated conditions to 0.78699 p.u,however i observe that the terminal voltage angle settles to a different value at steady state(23.85 degree) and the output power 0.783 p.u.
I am not able to find out why the terminal voltage angle settles to a different value from the set value of 25 degree.
Please let me know if there is any other way of setting the mechanical power input to a Synchronous machine.
Thanks a lot.
Warm Regards,
synchronous machine, Hydro turbine
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