PV system simulation
I am trying to model a PV system. When I connect the PV array to a DC-DC converter (buck or buck-boost) I am getting a NaN result at all parameters (Ipv, Vpv, Vout, Iout, etc.) . Note that each component works fine when tested alone. but when put together i get this result. also if i use a boost converter the model runs fine. Any ideas why I am getting this result?
thank you,
Open Mar 13, 2015 - 03:23 PM
PV system, NaN, DC converter
Mar 13, 2015 - 04:50 PM
Hi Ali;
I think you copy and past the model from other files, so the model is working but you need to re-display all parameters (Ipv, Vpv, Vout, Iout, etc.) agine.
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