How do I add a new output to an existing framed chart
Assume I add a capacitor in parallell to the output resistor in the vdiv tutorial file and add an ammeter to measure the capacitor current with an additon output waveform. How can I get that graph in the same frame as the other two framed graphs? I can add another graph to the framed ones but don't know how to link the new output (capacitor current) to that graph? If I do as a separate graph I am unable to insert that graph into the frame.
Open Jan 27, 2015 - 10:14 AM
Adding new input to framed gra
Jan 27, 2015 - 11:15 AM
As shown in the first picture, you can get this figure by right click on the figure and choose add overlay.
In the second figure, you can get it by press and hold control button and drag the measurement channel into the desire graph.
I hope that I helped you
Good luck
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