Voted Best Answer

Oct 12, 2014 - 09:30 AM
In a similar application, I got good results from PSCAD. A BLDC machine with rated frequency of 1500 Hz. And in other case, a "Bidirectional Dual Active Bridge DC–DC Converter" with a single phase transformer in the middle. In my projects, the results were very desirable. I think you can use existing transformer models for high frequency and harmonics studies without any problem...
In a similar application, I got good results from PSCAD. A BLDC machine with rated frequency of 1500 Hz. And in other case, a "Bidirectional Dual Active Bridge DC–DC Converter" with a single phase transformer in the middle. In my projects, the results were very desirable. I think you can use existing transformer models for high frequency and harmonics studies without any problem...
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